What is Global Warming?
In simple terms, Global warming is the observed and projected increases in the average temperature of Earth's atmosphere and oceans.
Basically most of the observed temperature increase since the middle of the 20th century was caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases, which results from human activity such as the burning of fossil fuel and deforestation .
Global warming is happening and man is responsible for at least some of it. Yet this does not mean that global warming will cause enough damage to the Earth and humanity to require drastic cuts in energy use, a policy that would have damaging consequences of its own.

Q: How will global warming affect rivers?
A: Global warming is projected to have far-ranging effects on rivers across the United States and worldwide. Although these changes will vary from region to region, scientists expect higher average global temperatures over the next century to cause higher river temperatures, resulting in harm to freshwater fish like salmon and bass and significant changes in aquatic plant and animal habitat. In addition, rainfall patterns will shift — some areas will get more precipitation, some less. Higher temperatures will cause mountain snowpack to melt earlier in the year, causing significant changes to river flow patterns — with less water available during the warmer and drier summer months. Changing water levels in our rivers poses greater challenges for farming, manufacturing, drinking water supplies and wildlife habitat.
Q: How will global warming affect our water supply?
A: The supply of and demand for water will be affected dramatically, as regions of the country that currently have wet climates are expected to become drier and vice versa. Some places may experience prolonged periods of drought, while others could see a dramatic increase in rainfall and more frequent flooding. These changes will have significant implications for a wide range of water uses, including agriculture, industry, energy production, recreation, water infrastructure/storage, waste disposal, and of course, healthy watershed functions.
The biggest challenge that mankind is facing in this century is "global warming" and there is a "global warning" given by scientist to save our earth.It has become a big cry from every corner of the world "How to save our mother earth from global warming", every nation, every forums, every where and in every thing they discuss about this global warming and how to save our earth from this biggest threat. Scientists had laid down the root cause for this situation as the increase in the amount of carbon DI oxide let out on the atmosphere by our industries and automobiles. If this is going to continue we may loose our land to oceans and the indifferent climate conditions may also lead to new unknown diseases, which may challenge the medical world. Now it self we have started to feel the impact of this global warming. It is not an issue with the scientists alone, every individual can join hands in this global mission on "How to save our mother earth from global warming", and i have listed something below.
1.Automobiles stay ahead of everything in the emission of carbon, so as for as possible try to avoid using your automobile for short distances.
2.Instead of everybody using their own vehicle if some of you are working in the same area and living in the same area you can share one vehicle.
3.Now everything can be done through net instead of going to the banks, stations, markets and etc you can do the same by sitting at your home in front of your system.
4. You can reduce the usage of your refrigerator, If you think that how much my refrigerator is going stand as a cause, don't see as one refrigerator of your home count the no of refrigerators around the world in each home and shops, Hotels etc,.
5.Start using the recycle base articles, change from plastic to paper.
6.We can change ourselves to use cotton cloths than silk rayon cloths.
7.As much as possible use cotton bags or paper bags than plastic bags.
8.Instead of searching for a solution how to destroy the used batteries, start using rechargeable batteries.
9.The waste water that is been let out in the process of leather tanning process spoils the soil and its fertility either we should reuse the water through water treatment plants or we should avoid using leather articles.
10.Let us avoid use and throw articles in our daily uses because almost 90 percent of these kind of articles are being made of plastics.
11.Let us grow at least a tree in every house.
12.To stop the forests getting destroyed, the heart of mother nature you can simply avoid using wooden articles.
13. Attend all your vehicles schedule check ups without fail, to Keep your vehicles in good condition and intact .
14.Give special attention to the carburetor, and silencer of your vehicle.
15.Scientists say even the chemicals used for domestic cleaning also destroys the atmosphere since use soda, lemon and vinegar instead of the chemicals.
We can teach our children how to love nature and how important it is to safeguard the world.Instead of keeping them a big asset it is very important for us to keep a wonderful natural and healthy world for them to enjoy their life. It is-true improvements is unavoidable but we can avoid destroying the earth for it is not our permanent property for us to enjoy on our own as we wish. we are only sharing and it should handed over to the following generation with the same way how we got it from our predecessor.
o help raise ground water levels.
1.Automobiles stay ahead of everything in the emission of carbon, so as for as possible try to avoid using your automobile for short distances.
2.Instead of everybody using their own vehicle if some of you are working in the same area and living in the same area you can share one vehicle.
3.Now everything can be done through net instead of going to the banks, stations, markets and etc you can do the same by sitting at your home in front of your system.
4. You can reduce the usage of your refrigerator, If you think that how much my refrigerator is going stand as a cause, don't see as one refrigerator of your home count the no of refrigerators around the world in each home and shops, Hotels etc,.
5.Start using the recycle base articles, change from plastic to paper.
6.We can change ourselves to use cotton cloths than silk rayon cloths.
7.As much as possible use cotton bags or paper bags than plastic bags.
8.Instead of searching for a solution how to destroy the used batteries, start using rechargeable batteries.
9.The waste water that is been let out in the process of leather tanning process spoils the soil and its fertility either we should reuse the water through water treatment plants or we should avoid using leather articles.
10.Let us avoid use and throw articles in our daily uses because almost 90 percent of these kind of articles are being made of plastics.
11.Let us grow at least a tree in every house.
12.To stop the forests getting destroyed, the heart of mother nature you can simply avoid using wooden articles.
13. Attend all your vehicles schedule check ups without fail, to Keep your vehicles in good condition and intact .
14.Give special attention to the carburetor, and silencer of your vehicle.
15.Scientists say even the chemicals used for domestic cleaning also destroys the atmosphere since use soda, lemon and vinegar instead of the chemicals.
We can teach our children how to love nature and how important it is to safeguard the world.Instead of keeping them a big asset it is very important for us to keep a wonderful natural and healthy world for them to enjoy their life. It is-true improvements is unavoidable but we can avoid destroying the earth for it is not our permanent property for us to enjoy on our own as we wish. we are only sharing and it should handed over to the following generation with the same way how we got it from our predecessor.
o help raise ground water levels.
Global warming is too serious for the world any longer to ignore its danger or split into opposing factions on it
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